Monthly Newsletter for July 23

New Moon Ritual


I hope you are enjoying the summer period wherever you are!


  This month I would like to share with you how to make my monthly New Moon wishes. It works for me and for everybody

 I have introduced this to. I hope you will enjoy it!


For several years now, every new moon, I like to do a ‘New moon ritual’ and it is now a complete part of my life. 

I am always surprised to see that most of my wishes come true! But not only that, it also brings me lots of clarity.

Every month, the new moon is a time to renew ourselves, allowing us to reflect on where we are in our lives and what we wish to see happening in the next 30 days until the next new moon.

Make your wishes! You'll be amazed by the results!  
This ritual can be done one day before the new moon and up to three days after (we don't always have the time!). Don’t worry if you are late! Or early!

This is how I do it:
Sit comfortably and calmly with a piece of paper and a pencil. Take your time.
‘Wishes for the new moon of the (look online for the date) for me (write your name, surname) and the date.’

I always start with: 'I am calling my guides and protectors' (I love this sentence; it is my mantra). Write their names, or if you don't know who your guides are, you can write the names of loved ones who have passed away, such as your grandparents, your god (if you have one), the universe, universal Love, the white light, Saints, Archangels…

Write, as you are addressing yourself directly to your protectors.
‘Thank you for making my wishes come true by the next new moon’. 
Try to write in an affirmative way, ask positively and be precise.
‘Please make it so that...’ ‘Thank you for...’, ‘Please do that I… ‘, ‘Help me to...’, be polite! Make your list and describe for each wish.

For example:
‘Thank you to make it so that I sell my house at this price (write the price) tit will be sold to good and honest people, who will love it; thank you for helping me to buy my new home, for this price £... (mention where you would like to move to), I will find my new house easily, it will be a perfect home for me and the transaction will go so smoothly. Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! ‘

Ask for protection and help for the people you love! If you need a holiday, ask for it! If you need guidance towards a solution, ask for signs and synchronicities. Ask!
Always end by asking for protection for yourself and the people you love, for the world... say thank you and sign your name.


Prepare a beautiful box (I put salt for protection and crystals in mine). Place the box in a calm place, in an area in your home that attracts you and light a candle.


Every house has a feng-shui "wish corner", if you don't know where it is, let yourself be guided by your instinct.

Sit down, create a sense of calm and read your wishes out loud, as if your guides were standing in front of you. Once finished, fold the paper and place it in the box. Leave the box open in front of the lit candle for a few hours or until you feel it's time to close it.


On the next new moon, open the box and reread your wishes! For all the wishes that have come true, write 'thank you!' I placed mine back in the box as a way to send my gratitude, along with my new, new moon wishes. Burn it next month or dispose of it respectfully.


                                                    I am wishing you all an amazing inspiring new moon!!!



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